Warm Floor Radiant Heat


Radiant Heat

Radiant heat provides you with a level of comfort that no other heating system can match.  In forced air homes, overheated air rises to the ceiling, leaving the floor area too cool.  With radiant heat, the area near the floor is comfortable, and the ceiling temperatures are reduced.  Floor heat also eliminates the heat loss you get with forced air systems, so you won’t have rooms that are too hot or too cold.  Every room in your home will be just the right temperature.

A Healthier Alternative

Forced air heat blows dust and allergens all around your house. (take a look at your furnace filter!)  Radiant heat provides warmth without moving the air around. Your home is cleaner and healthier. You won’t notice when the heat is on, you’ll just know that your house feels warm and comfortable.

How It Works 

The system works by conducting heat from water in a tube to the surface of your floor, which releases that heat into your home.  It  can be used with hardwood, stone, tile and carpeted floors.

With a product like Warmboard, the radiant panel and subfloor is combined. The product is lightweight, which makes it perfect for 2nd or 3rd floor installations. Warmboard gives you more flooring choices, allowing you to use hardwood floors, and heats up more quickly than concrete slab-based systems.

Electric systems are used for smaller areas like a bathroom, and hydronic (water) radiant heat is used for larger areas, and areas with a lot of glass.

Barefoot Comfort Indoors and Out

radiant patio

Radiant Heat can also be used for heated patios, to help you enjoy your patio year-round.

Call  (805) 497-9808 today to schedule your free quote for your home or business, and find out how comfortable and economical radiant heat can be. Our experts are available to answer your questions.