Grab and move the slider in the middle of the photo to see the in deck solar pool heating installed and the finished product.
An option for new pool construction or major pool deck remodels is in deck solar pool heating. Solar tubing is placed under cement decks, driveways, sport or tennis courts. Water is run through the tubing, and the warm water is then pumped to your swimming pool, greatly reducing your pool heating bill. The system also helps to cool your deck or tennis court.
An in-deck pool heating system can be used on its own, or in conjunction with a roof-mounted solar pool heating system. Used together, these two system generate even more heat for your pool.
In addition to being used for residential pools, in deck pool heating systems are ideal for commercial pools and community pools. They increase the swim season for residents, without increasing pool heating bills for the community. Check out our blog post on how a community pool in Westlake Village reduced their pool heating costs with a large in deck pool heating system.